User Settings

The User Settings can be accessed from the Story Library, then clicking on the Settings button (⚙️), or the Goose button.


AI Settings

Interface Tab



Consult Theming for more information on this feature.

Account tab


Text to Speech tab


The Text to Speech tab contains accessibility options for visually impaired users.

You can stop the TTS at any moment by pressing ALT + SHIFT + T or ⌘Cmd + SHIFT + T.

Streamed TTS has a different array of settings, displayed when it is enabled.

Click the 🔊 button to play the test field's text with the voice selected.

Click the 💾 to save a recording of the text in the test field with the voice selected, so you can share it easily.

Seed Mixing

You can combine different seeds by opening with seedmix:. After the colon, you can write the seed, and connect it to another seed with + to combine, or - to subtract its Specifics.

Specifics are Cadence ("speed of the speech"), Intonation ("pitch and dynamics of the speech"), and Style ("how the voice sounds").

To manipulate the specific of a seed on its own, preface the seed with the specific. These must be prefaced with a pipe: |

Keep in mind that:


Here, the cadence will be the result of the combination of SonicTheHedgehog and Tail's cadence.

If a seed or a specific is specified after a lone seed or identical specific, it will override what comes before it!


In this example, the cadence of Toad will override the cadence in the mix of Mario+Luigi.

Defaults tab


The Defaults tab allows you to set the default Model, Generation Settings and Module for new stories.

Legacy Lore Generation uses an older model with less functionalities for Lore Generation.