

Color Coding

The nature of NovelAI means it could be difficult to discern the AI's text from your own - and that's where Color Coding comes in. This simple system adjusts the color of your Story depending on how the text came to be.

Within the default Theme, the colors will be as follows:

Source Color
Initial Prompt Cream
AI Generated White
User Edited Green
User Input Blue

If you want to make all of your text the same color, you may disable text highlight in your user settings.

About Themes

Themes allow you to bring a high level of customization to your NovelAI experience. Themes allow you to instantly change the look of the entire front end with the click of a button! There are a number of Themes to choose, all available in the Customization section of the Options Menu, accessible from the Story Library panel.

You can also download custom themes that may use custom backgrounds and fonts from the NovelAI Discord.

Remember - you can always reset the Theme to its defaults by clicking the option in the top right of the Theme Editor.

Theme Editor

Further customization of your NovelAI experience is available through the Theme Editor. This powerful tool allows you to customize:

A CSS Editor is also available so you can tinker with every style element of the page as you see fit.