How to Make a Bookmarklet to Auto Copy Tags
Bookmarklet by Oathgate & ght901 & JustAnotherGuy
Tutorial by Oathgate
A bookmarklet is a small JavaScript snippet saved as a bookmark. This guide will show you how to create one for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox to copy tags automatically.
You will find the code at the end of this article.
Step 1: Create a New Bookmark
Safari (iOS & macOS)
- Open Safari.
- Navigate to any webpage (e.g.,
). - Tap the Share button (square with an arrow pointing up).
- Select Add Bookmark from the menu.
- Give the bookmark a name (e.g., "Copy Tags").
- Save it to Favorites or any preferred folder.
Google Chrome (Desktop & Android)
- Open Chrome.
- Navigate to any webpage.
- Click or tap the star icon in the address bar.
- Edit the name to something recognizable (e.g., "Copy Tags").
- Save it to the Bookmarks Bar or any folder.
Mozilla Firefox (Desktop & Android)
- Open Firefox.
- Navigate to any webpage.
- Click the star icon in the address bar to bookmark the page.
- Click Edit and rename it (e.g., "Copy Tags").
- Save it to your preferred location.
Step 2: Edit the Bookmark URL
Safari (iOS & macOS)
- Open Bookmarks:
- Tap the Bookmarks icon (open book).
- Find the bookmark you just created.
- Tap and hold the bookmark, then select Edit.
- Delete the existing URL and paste the bookmarklet code you copied earlier.
- Tap Done to save.
Google Chrome (Desktop & Android)
- Open the Bookmarks Manager:
- On desktop, press
Ctrl + Shift + O
(Cmd + Option + B
on macOS). - On mobile, go to Menu > Bookmarks.
- On desktop, press
- Find the bookmark, then click or tap Edit.
- Replace the URL with the bookmarklet code.
- Save the changes.
Mozilla Firefox (Desktop & Android)
- Open Bookmarks (
Ctrl + Shift + B
on desktop). - Find the bookmark and select Edit.
- Replace the existing URL with the bookmarklet code.
- Save the changes.
Step 3: Use the Bookmarklet
- Open a webpage where you want to run the bookmarklet.
- Open Bookmarks.
- Select your bookmarklet (e.g., "Copy Tags").
- The bookmarklet will run, copying the tags to your clipboard for easy pasting.
- Some browsers (especially Chrome on iOS) may block JavaScript execution from bookmarks. If this happens, try using Safari or Firefox instead.
- If the bookmarklet doesn't work immediately, ensure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser settings.
Bookmarklet code
: (function () {
javascriptfunction copyTags() {
const replacements = {
v: "peace sign",
"double v": "double peace",
"|_|": "bar eyes",
"\\||/": "opem \\m/",
":|": "neutral face",
";|": "neutral face",
"eyepatch bikini": "square bikini",
"tachi-e": "character image",
}const blockedTags = ["original"];
const regex = /(\d(boy|girl|other)s?)/i;
const tags = [
...document.querySelectorAll("ul.artist-tag-list li"),
...document.querySelectorAll("ul.character-tag-list li"),
...document.querySelectorAll("ul.copyright-tag-list li"),
...document.querySelectorAll("ul.general-tag-list li"),
].map((li) => li.getAttribute("data-tag-name"))
.filter((tag) => tag && tag.length > 0 && !blockedTags.includes(tag))
.map((tag) => (tag.length <= 3 ? tag : tag.replace(/_/g, " ")))
.map((tag) => replacements[tag] || tag)
.sort((a, b) => {
if (regex.test(a)) {
return -1;
}if (regex.test(b)) {
return 1;
}return 0;
}).join(", ");
if (!tags) {
alert("No tags found!");
if (navigator.clipboard) {
.then(() => {
alert("Tags copied to clipboard!");
}).catch((err) => {
console.warn("Clipboard copy failed.", err);
prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", tags);
})else {
} let textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
.value = tags;
alert("Tags copied!");
; })()
: (function () {
javascriptfunction copyTags() {
const replacements = {
v: "peace sign",
"double v": "double peace",
"|_|": "bar eyes",
"\\||/": "opem \\m/",
":|": "neutral face",
";|": "neutral face",
"eyepatch bikini": "square bikini",
"tachi-e": "character image",
}const blockedTags = ["original"];
const regex = /\b(male|female|ambigious gender)\b/i;
const tags = [
...document.querySelectorAll("ul.species-tag-list li"),
...document.querySelectorAll("ul.artist-tag-list li"),
...document.querySelectorAll("ul.copyright-tag-list li"),
...document.querySelectorAll("ul.character-tag-list li"),
...document.querySelectorAll("ul.general-tag-list li"),
].map((li) => li.getAttribute("data-name"))
.filter((tag) => tag && tag.length > 0 && !blockedTags.includes(tag))
.map((tag) => (tag.length <= 3 ? tag : tag.replace(/_/g, " ")))
.map((tag) => replacements[tag] || tag)
.sort((a, b) => {
if (regex.test(a)) {
return -1;
}if (regex.test(b)) {
return 1;
}return 0;
}).join(", ");
if (!tags) {
alert("No tags found!");
if (navigator.clipboard) {
.writeText(decodeURIComponent("fur dataset, " + tags))
.then(() => {
alert("Tags copied to clipboard!");
}).catch((err) => {
console.warn("Clipboard copy failed.", err);
prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", tags);
})else {
} let textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
.value = tags;
alert("Tags copied!");
; })()