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Tag Retrieval Bookmarklet

How to Make a Bookmarklet to Auto Copy Tags

Bookmarklet by Oathgate & ght901 & JustAnotherGuy

Tutorial by Oathgate

A bookmarklet is a small JavaScript snippet saved as a bookmark. This guide will show you how to create one for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox to copy tags automatically.

You will find the code at the end of this article.

Step 1: Create a New Bookmark

Safari (iOS & macOS)

  1. Open Safari.
  2. Navigate to any webpage (e.g.,
  3. Tap the Share button (square with an arrow pointing up).
  4. Select Add Bookmark from the menu.
  5. Give the bookmark a name (e.g., "Copy Tags").
  6. Save it to Favorites or any preferred folder.

Google Chrome (Desktop & Android)

  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Navigate to any webpage.
  3. Click or tap the star icon in the address bar.
  4. Edit the name to something recognizable (e.g., "Copy Tags").
  5. Save it to the Bookmarks Bar or any folder.

Mozilla Firefox (Desktop & Android)

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. Navigate to any webpage.
  3. Click the star icon in the address bar to bookmark the page.
  4. Click Edit and rename it (e.g., "Copy Tags").
  5. Save it to your preferred location.

Step 2: Edit the Bookmark URL

Safari (iOS & macOS)

  1. Open Bookmarks:
    • Tap the Bookmarks icon (open book).
    • Find the bookmark you just created.
  2. Tap and hold the bookmark, then select Edit.
  3. Delete the existing URL and paste the bookmarklet code you copied earlier.
  4. Tap Done to save.

Google Chrome (Desktop & Android)

  1. Open the Bookmarks Manager:
    • On desktop, press Ctrl + Shift + O (Cmd + Option + B on macOS).
    • On mobile, go to Menu > Bookmarks.
  2. Find the bookmark, then click or tap Edit.
  3. Replace the URL with the bookmarklet code.
  4. Save the changes.

Mozilla Firefox (Desktop & Android)

  1. Open Bookmarks (Ctrl + Shift + B on desktop).
  2. Find the bookmark and select Edit.
  3. Replace the existing URL with the bookmarklet code.
  4. Save the changes.

Step 3: Use the Bookmarklet

  1. Open a webpage where you want to run the bookmarklet.
  2. Open Bookmarks.
  3. Select your bookmarklet (e.g., "Copy Tags").
  4. The bookmarklet will run, copying the tags to your clipboard for easy pasting.


Bookmarklet code


javascript: (function () {
  function copyTags() {
    const replacements = {
      v: "peace sign",
      "double v": "double peace",
      "|_|": "bar eyes",
      "\\||/": "opem \\m/",
      ":|": "neutral face",
      ";|": "neutral face",
      "eyepatch bikini": "square bikini",
      "tachi-e": "character image",
    const blockedTags = ["original"];
    const regex = /(\d(boy|girl|other)s?)/i;
    const tags = [
      ...document.querySelectorAll("ul.artist-tag-list li"),
      ...document.querySelectorAll("ul.character-tag-list li"),
      ...document.querySelectorAll("ul.copyright-tag-list li"),
      ...document.querySelectorAll("ul.general-tag-list li"),
      .map((li) => li.getAttribute("data-tag-name"))
      .filter((tag) => tag && tag.length > 0 && !blockedTags.includes(tag))
      .map((tag) => (tag.length <= 3 ? tag : tag.replace(/_/g, " ")))
      .map((tag) => replacements[tag] || tag)
      .sort((a, b) => {
        if (regex.test(a)) {
          return -1;
        if (regex.test(b)) {
          return 1;
        return 0;
      .join(", ");

    if (!tags) {
      alert("No tags found!");

    if (navigator.clipboard) {
        .then(() => {
          alert("Tags copied to clipboard!");
        .catch((err) => {
          console.warn("Clipboard copy failed.", err);
          prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", tags);
    } else {
      let textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
      textarea.value = tags;
      alert("Tags copied!");


javascript: (function () {
  function copyTags() {
    const replacements = {
      v: "peace sign",
      "double v": "double peace",
      "|_|": "bar eyes",
      "\\||/": "opem \\m/",
      ":|": "neutral face",
      ";|": "neutral face",
      "eyepatch bikini": "square bikini",
      "tachi-e": "character image",
    const blockedTags = ["original"];
    const regex = /\b(male|female|ambigious gender)\b/i;
    const tags = [
      ...document.querySelectorAll("ul.species-tag-list li"),
      ...document.querySelectorAll("ul.artist-tag-list li"),
      ...document.querySelectorAll("ul.copyright-tag-list li"),
      ...document.querySelectorAll("ul.character-tag-list li"),
      ...document.querySelectorAll("ul.general-tag-list li"),
      .map((li) => li.getAttribute("data-name"))
      .filter((tag) => tag && tag.length > 0 && !blockedTags.includes(tag))
      .map((tag) => (tag.length <= 3 ? tag : tag.replace(/_/g, " ")))
      .map((tag) => replacements[tag] || tag)
      .sort((a, b) => {
        if (regex.test(a)) {
          return -1;
        if (regex.test(b)) {
          return 1;
        return 0;
      .join(", ");

    if (!tags) {
      alert("No tags found!");

    if (navigator.clipboard) {
        .writeText(decodeURIComponent("fur dataset, " + tags))
        .then(() => {
          alert("Tags copied to clipboard!");
        .catch((err) => {
          console.warn("Clipboard copy failed.", err);
          prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", tags);
    } else {
      let textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
      textarea.value = tags;
      alert("Tags copied!");