
Story Library


Also known as the "left panel", this part of the interface controls everything outside of your Story. This includes the Settings menu, as well as the list of your Stories.

The cog icon (⚙️) contains the Account Settings menu, and is also where you can log out. The Goose (🦆) contains the Tools menu, which includes Module Training and Tokenizer, the link to Image Generation, as well as the Official Documentation and Tutorial.

Below them is the Search Field (🔍), along with the Sort Menu (🔻) which allows you to search through your Story collection.

Story List

You can switch to a Story by simply clicking on it in the Story Library's list.

A new Story can be started by selecting the New Story button (), found at the bottom of the Story Library.

You can also directly import a prompt by using the Import File button. (📩)

New Shelf 📔 allows you to create a shelf. Effectively, they are story folders. They are displayed on top of the list by default, and can have their title and description edited as well.

Every Story displays its Title, Description, the date it was last edited, and whether or not it is marked as a Favorite ❤️. The Title and Description can be modified by switching to the Story, then adjusting them in the Story Settings (📝).

If your story is hosted on the servers, it will also have a little cloud icon at the bottom right to symbolize that. (☁️) A checkmark will appear in it if it is successfully synchronized, otherwise, it will be crossed out.

A paperclip (📎) means the story is using the Experimental Story Editor.

Editing Story Names and Descriptions


Selecting a story will show four buttons: 🗑️ Delete, 📚 Duplicate, 📩 Export/Download and 📝 Edit.

When clicking Edit, you will open the Story Settings Menu.

In this menu, you may edit the following:

To enter tags, type the tag then press ENTER. Clicking an already entered tag will remove it from the list.