End of Input Tips

This page contains community-researched content and aims to provide in-depth tips to improve your experience with the AI.

This is an expert guide. There will be much less hand-holding from now on. Terms and tools will not be explained if they were defined in the feature pages and Writing Help, so make sure you have fully read these two pages before continuing.

The Importance of the Final Token

Regardless of what is in the rest of your context, the absolute final token is by far the most important to the generation.You can lead the AI into different directions depending on your phrasing.

Consider the following example:

Bryan is in the kitchen.

The text ends on a period, which ends the sentence. There is nothing after it. As a result, the pool of potential continuations to this sentence can get rather large.

Most of the time, when people say that "The AI is going into random directions!", this is often a symptom of ending your input like this.

Now, consider this alternative:

Bryan is in the kitchen. He

This will put the onus of the next sentence on Bryan. He will be forced to act, think, or say something, as he refers to Bryan by virtue of proximity. This can help direct the AI rather well, especially if your generation length is rather low. At longer generation length, the AI can get a little off-topic with a small context.

Now try something akin to this:

Bryan is in the kitchen. "

This opening quote here will forcefully initiate dialogue. It may be from Bryan, but it has a chance to come from another character entirely. Usually this sticks to the latest named person, but has a chance of relying on another previously named character as well.

Now look at this example:

Bryan is in the kitchen. 

What we did here is create a linebreak. Linebreaks are powerful tools. The important part is that this creates a break in the text, which pushes the AI to move on to something else. It can be moving forward in time, changing speaker, changing scene, and many other things.

If you go to your Account Settings, you'll find an option called Trim Trailing Spaces. You should absolutely enable it, but even if it is, multiple spaces might not be trimmed. So why is that a problem?

A lot of tokens are words that start with a space. if you end on a space, the AI might trip over itself because it is struggling to find a word to start with, and a lot of continuations will behave erratically, such as suddenly inserting newlines, or using words that aren't connected to the current clause. Avoid trailing spaces as much as you can!

The conclusion here is that you should initiate for the AI as much as possible, even if it's using a single symbol to do so. Any sort of hand-holding helps the AI stay on track much better than leaving it to its own devices and expecting it to guess what you want. (Hint: it won't.)

Typography Symbols

There is a wealth of Symbols used in books that we can make use of.

Basic Symbols

Let's starts with the basics. English mostly uses 7 punctuation marks.


This is basically any character like spaces and linebreaks.


